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65 Series


For 4x4 Sub-compact and Compact SUVs and Trucks with GVWs under 6,500 lbs. Features an aluminum cast frame, 15" wide track, Mattracks exclusive offset rocker suspension and patented rubber torsion anti-torque system

65M1-A1 TC

Specifically designed to fit Bobcat Toolcat. The first automotive approved system in the LiteFoot family. Features Mattracks exclusive oscillating framework with passive internal offset rocker suspension


65M1-A2 UTV/Small SUV

GVW 6,500 lbs
GCSA 2,700 sq in
Track Width 15"
Frame Aluminum
Suspension Rockers
Sprositive Drive N/A
65M1-A1 Specsheet

65M1-A1 TC Bobcat Toolcat

GVW Bobcat Toolcat
GCSA 2,700 sq in
Track Width 15"
Frame Steel
Suspension Rockers
Sprositive Drive N/A
65M1-A1-TC Specsheet